About Hayley
In 2006, I graduated from UC Davis with a degree in Genetics and Anthropology. I've had the privilege of working for various laboratories conducting research in different areas of interest including; primates, cats, plants, genetic ancestry, and molecular medicine. Top personal topics of interest include; scientific education, evolution, biological anthropology, and evolutionary psychology. I am planning on pursuing a graduate degree in Molecular Anthropology.
Presently I am trying my hand at scientific writing. I think the bulk of my articles are suitable for hard core science junkies. I also prefer to write articles in molecular biology that pertain to recent published findings. It's a real honor to be communicating with scientists at the forefront of discovery and publicizing their results on this website considering in the general media, their significant findings would go unrecognized.
When I'm not writing serious articles, I'm most definitely attempting to create a humorous science article. Also, I enjoy reading and leaving comments on my favorite contributors' articles in an attempt to sound intelligible like them.
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Hayley's Articles
This is a list of the latest articles and blog entries that Hayley has written.
Why H1N1 Swine Flu Scares The Heck Out Of PeopleBehold The Power Of Evolutionary Theory; Darwin's Principles Withstand Test Tube ScrutinyGet To Know H1N1 Swine Flu - And What Makes Influenza A So NastyNow Playing: "The Bone Dispute," Starring UC San Diego As The Ambiguous Caped CrusaderMolecular Anthropology: The Red Headed Step Child Of Biology
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