They don't directly talk about us, they talk about a guy at a think tank who used to be a staffer for the Council a decade ago, which would be a logical fallacy but I don't want to use big words and confuse journalists at The Intercept.

Here is the funny part: The Intercept has more editors on its About page than the American Council on Science and Health has in the entire office. Natural Resources Defense Council makes more money on interest in one day than ACSH operates on for an entire year. Yet somehow ACSH is "industry-funded" and "dark money" while NRDC does not get mentioned for giving us trans fats in the first place - NRDC is instead the group that insisted American use them, claiming saturated fats were the enemy while ACSH defended bacon.

It's just lazy political churnalism, brought on by the modern Evidence By Google mentality that plagues muckspouts out to make a buck by engaging in high-pitched staccato gibberish.

Money is a bizarre claim for them to make about anyone else. Who pays for all of those editors at The Intercept? Are they all wealthy elites who don't get paid? Is it foundations? Well, that's "dark money" then. Individuals not disclosed due to privacy? Also dark money.

Here is their dreary posturing:
Our long-term mission is to produce fearless, adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues. The editorial independence of our journalists will be guaranteed. They will be encouraged to pursue their passions, cultivate a unique voice, and publish stories without regard to whom they might anger or alienate.
Yet somehow the only source for their vast corporate conspiracy is...Mother Jones. This is the Mother Jones that is the official publication of the anti-science left, of course they hate us. They hate everyone. They get $13 million a year in corporate money, they simply created a foundation to launder it. How is that any different than any trade group? We're far more ethical than Mother Jones because politics are irrelevant, we ridicule anyone who preaches dangerous nonsense. They won't. But if a fired employee hands them a ridiculous document they claim it was "leaked" by an "insider." No, it wasn't, it was manufactured by a fired employee.

Translation: Scientists are the dumbest people on planet Earth because "industry-funded" means 1 percent of the revenue of environmental groups. 

Hank Campbell is the founder of Science 2.0 and President of the American Council on Science and Health.