A Million-Year-Old Mammoth May Hold The Key...
Up-to-date With The Big Bang, Mass, And Protons
What Will It Take For Real Farming In Space?
First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters
Acknowledging Giorgio's Mentoring Superpowers
Yesterday I gladly attended a symposium in honor of Giorgio Bellettini, who just turned 90. The italian physicist, who had a very big impact in particle physics in his long and illustrious career, is still very active -e.g. he makes all the hard questions at the conferences he attends, as he has ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
A Workshop You Should Not Miss
... if you are a researcher in physics or astrophysics and you are working with machine learning, that is.Between September 23 and 25 - just when summer is over - we will meet in Valencia, Spain, to discuss the latest developments in deep learning applications to optimization of experiments in ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
A Cool Rare Decay
By and large, particle physicists confronted with the need to awe and enthuse an audience of laypersons will have no hesitation in choosing to speak about the Higgs boson and its mysteries - undoubtedly a fascinating story that requires one to start with the 1960ies and the intuition of a handful ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
Move Over - The Talk I Will Not Give
Last week I was in Amsterdam, where I attended the first European AI for Fundamental Physics conference (EUCAIF). Unfortunately I could not properly follow the works there, as in the midst of it I got grounded by a very nasty bronchial bug. Then over the weekend I was able to drag myself back ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
Glyphosate Impact On Soil Microbes - The 1% Can Worry But Scientists Do Not
Is glyphosate damaging essential microbes in soil? A multi-year study sought to answer the question using real-world conditions.Glyphosate (e.g Roundup) is the most popular weedkiller in the world, and that has made it a target for some disreputable competitors, primarily those in the organic food ...
By Hank Campbell
More Like Lizards: Claim That T. Rex Was As Smart As Monkeys Refuted
A year ago, corporate media promoted the provocative claim that dinosaurs like Tyrannorsaurus rex had so many neurons they had to be substantially more intelligent than assumed, since these high neuron counts could directly inform on intelligence, metabolism and life history.They even added that ...
By News Staff
Oil Kept Congo From Starving - Western Academics Don't Seem To Like That
If even a wealthy like Germany has to lie about emissions to placate government-funded environmentalists and burn wood and buy gas from Russia, it seems unfair to criticize a poor country like Congo, but the culture war on oil can't think about any of that.If you don't want to look like a rich ...
By Hank Campbell
China Sells Western Progressives Solar Panels While Switching To Nuclear Power
China has quietly overtaken France to become the world's second-largest producer of nuclear energy. The United States is still number one, despite President Bill Clinton, Senator John Kerry, anti-science environmentalists, and the rest of the Democratic Party creating a de facto ban on nuclear ...
By Hank Campbell
At 3 Cases In 6 Months, Monkeypox In The US Is Effectively Contained
Monkeypox (Mpox) is an infection transmitted by skin-to-skin contact and causes fever and painful skin blisters. It is in the Orthopoxvirus genus of viruses, which includes smallpox, so those vaccinated against it have cross-protection, smallpox vaccines also work for monkeypox.It is usually self ...
By News Staff
Life May Be Found In Sea Spray Of Moons Orbiting Saturn Or Jupiter Next Year
Life may be detected in a single ice grain containing one bacterial cell or portions of a cell which means it could be found in the frozen sea spray from the moons orbiting Saturn or Jupiter.Finding that will take is a mass spectrometer onboard a spacecraft, and that will happen when the Europa ...
By News Staff
Mouse Study Correlates Diabetes To Alzheimer’s
A recent study in mice suggests the the liver is key in a molecular link that may also cause humans with diabetes to develop Alzheimer’s disease.Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is overwhelmingly in obese people so if the findings in mice ever apply to humans the prevention of Alzheimer’s ...
By News Staff
Why Some Female Whales Live So Long: Menopause
Humans and five whale species are the only mammals known to go through menopause. Why is unclear but a new study sought answers.Scientists found that females of short-finned pilot whales, false killer whales, killer whales, narwhals and beluga whales and experience menopause live around 40 years ...
By News Staff
How Generative AI Is Transforming Healthcare
The world is aging. After centuries of relentless growth, many advanced economies are getting older, and even in poorer nations, the share of elderly people is rising. Larger and older populations are creating historic pressures on health care systems across the world. There are not enough doctors ...
By Mark Pierce
Opioid Addicts Are Less Likely To Use Legal Opioids At The End Of Their Lives
With a porous southern border, street fentanyl continues to enter the United States and be purchased by recreational drug users, all while the U.S. government continues to treat suffering cancer patients like criminals when it comes to legitimate pain medication access. It isn't much better in ...
By News Staff
Study: Caloric Restriction In Humans And Aging
In mice, caloric restriction has been found to increase aging but obviously mice are not little people, and mice are weaned on a starvation diet. That cannot and will never happen in humans. Yet  restricting calories even by 20 percent has been shown to promote longer life in animal models ...
By News Staff
Study Says Gen X Is 'Biologically Aging' Faster Than Boomers
People are living better lives for longer than ever but an EXPLORATORY study using a computer simulation says there is reason for concern; people are getting cancer younger than ever.The authors analyzed results of blood samples from 148,724 people ages 37 to 54 in the UK Biobank and focused on ...
By Hank Campbell
Is It Safe To Buy Food At A Farmers Market?
There is populist rhetoric about Buy Local but what few in the public realize is that the definition is subjective. Restaurants in Manhattan often claim they buy local, but in the fine print it reads 'when available', and they don't tell you when it was not locally available, and local to them ...
By Hank Campbell
Is Sharing A Bed With A Partner Better Or Worse? Yes
Once upon a time, young Baby Boomers ridiculed television programs that showed married couples in separate beds. They used terms like 'prudish' and 'Victorian' and 'repressed.'Actually, those shows were representative of culture for most of human history. Humans have rarely shared a bed with a ...
By Hank Campbell
The Upside To AI And Young Creativity
Artificial Intelligence - AI - isn't really AI at all, which may be why it has been so disappointing to companies that aren't trying to sell you a new leaf blower. Instead of doing something practical, like the dishes or laundry so you have more time to do art or music, AI is doing music and art ...
By Hank Campbell
Evolutionary Psychology: Your Parents Income During Pregnancy Made You Gay
Evolutionary psychology, the discipline that claimed we're being manipulated by flowers and evolved to like the appearance of black men, also made the bold assertion that the income of your parents during pregnancy made you...gay?It's even crazier than that cock-fixated megalomaniac at Berkeley ...
By Hank Campbell
COVID-19 Made Stereotyping Of Asians Uncool - Mostly To Gain Political Traction
Only a few years ago, American colleges used a "secret sauce" of race in admissions that voided test scores and replaced those with arbitrary demographic selection. Due to such clear racism, and despite being a minority with less than 5 percent of the population, Asians were least likely to be ...
By Hank Campbell
Declaring War On Frappuccino And Diet Soda Is Not A Valid Government Nutrition Guideline
You're not  a Frank-people because you eat Doritos, despite what people writing lifestyle/diet books and New York Times journalists who gush over them want you to believe.Such claims are pure food populism by rich white people for rich white people. It's not science, it's instead not even ...
By Hank Campbell
Cancel Culture Prevents The Best Researchers From Engaging With The Food Industry
After Chris Wild took over the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a UN-funded body in France that looks for statistical links between food/chemicals and cancer, they made a switch in their policies regarding participation; an epidemiologist who had ever consulted for industry could ...
By Hank Campbell
If A Weedkiller Turned You Gay, We'd Like To Interview You
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a lawyer who leveraged a name that was essentially beatified by Democrats into a lucrative career trying to promote corporate conspiracies about cell phones (cancer!), GMOs (cancer!) and vaccines(everything else!) and he had some success.Thanks to his efforts raising money ...
By Hank Campbell
The northern lights as one would expect and see them if they were in the frozen reaches of Canada...  more »
Sheer beauty — a beautiful Euhoplites ammonite from Folkstone, UK. These lovelies have a pleasing...  more »
March is here, and with it begins a season of intense travel for me - something which for some...  more »
This plant above is what is regarded as a typical fern. However, a quite different looking type...  more »
By Anonymous
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