Pantelleria, Its Magma Chamber And Possible Impact On Global Climate

My friend has written a paper on Pantelleria (which I am a co-author of), and I thought it was...

The Rapid Timescales Of Caldera Volcanism

A new study in Nature shows that Santorini may have reactivated roughly a century before the Minoan...

A Geologist's Experience (Accretionary Wedge 41)

For the 41st Accretionary Wedge Ron Schott asked for "the most memorable or significant geological...

The Changing Composition Of The Eyjafjallajökull Eruption

As I have a long train journey and not much to do, I can use it to write about this recent open...

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For those of you who are not geologists, a tuff is a volcanic rock, made up of solidified ash. Hence the pun as my blog title. Actually, my research involves very little tuffs. Lots of lavas,... Read More »

With all the fuss surrounding whether the l'Aquila earthquake should have been predicted, the point is often missed that it didn't need to be.  As the recent Christchurch earthquake has shown, a city can survive relatively unscathed without an accurate prediction.  All it takes is proper preparation.
Nuclear waste is one of the biggest downsides to nuclear power, and can remain dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years.  Geological disposal is often stated as the most preferable way of dealing with it, but what does it entail?  What are the problems that need to be overcome, and how are governments going about overcoming them?  Fortunately, most governments are trying to be transparent about the process, with thousands of reports available on the web. 

For some coursework earlier this year, I looked at the subject from a geological point of view.
Several Italian scientists may be charged later this year with manslaughter over the deaths of 308 people who died in and around l'Aquila in 2009.  Is this reasonable?

I wanted to write about something new in this post, but as Google News failed to inform me of any interesting geology-related happenings (unless you include this BBC article which is just one big rock pun) I will have to make do with something almost-current I have wanted to write about for a while.
As a first post (ever) I would like to write a little about Santorini, the volcano I plan to spend the next three years studying.  It may be a little self-indulgent, but I hope you'll find this volcano is 
interesting enough regardless.

The cliffs of Santorini at Sunset