Also California Democrats: Let's start by banning sports for kids.
By the end of this month, California Democrats will decide if they should ban youth football. Sports are dangerous. It's for the children.
The Governor, former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, is generally pro-ban but has said he would veto this as it exists. He instead has signaled that he will do to sports what he did to guns - he can't legally violate the Constitution by banning those, so he placed special taxes on them, demanded that government get social security numbers from everyone who buys a bullet, and put into place a list of places where lawful concealed carry permit owners cannot go, which is basically everywhere except their homes.

Meanwhile, wealthy people are fleeing - a baseball player even deferred almost his entire salary interest-free to not pay California taxes - the state is $600 billion in debt, the deficit is $40 billion (illegal by state Constitution) and he just gave the de facto state-controlled energy utility, PG&E, another 11 percent increase, so poor people in apartments and rental homes could continue to subsidize the electric cars and solar panels of the rich.
If he does to football what he does to everything else he doesn't like, he will make it too expensive for anyone but wealthy elites to participate in.
That's not just bad for childhood obesity, it is bad for an entire generation of children being taught that competition is too dangerous for their brains.