In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Chaya Raichick also known as LibsOfTikTok on Twitter has stated that LGBT people are evil and want to recruit children to be gay. This is not a matter of opinion, but much science has been done looking into the causation of LGBT identification. It is clear that the LGBT mating strategies found in humans are a matter of biology and neurology not just psychology and sociology. All those sciences, yes all of those are science, play a part. For instance, biologically transgender people are born (largely) one sex or the other. At the same time biologically and neurologically transgender people are born with brains that execute the mating strategy (gender) of the opposite sex. Take this phenomenon to a lesser extreme and you get Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual people. This is in line with the theory of evolution when one considers our closest relative, the bonobo, is functionally bisexual, and has a much looser mating strategy (gender) compared to more distantly related hominids such as Gorillas. Cited below are numerous formal sources on this, as well as numerous links to collections of sources that back up this fact-based point of view. See references 1-6 below.
I think sometimes the simplest answer is they’re just evil. They’re just evil people and they want to groom kids. —Chaya Raichick on ALL LGBT people
It has been known that hormone act on cells because they are let in by proteins called hormone receptors. Those proteins are coded by genes. In LGBT people those genes vary to different degrees from those found in straight people. Thus making biological males who are in whole or in part less sensitive to testosterone, and biological females who are in whole or in part less sensitive to estrogen. Most of the time these conditions lead to straight people who are just a bit different. A significant minority of the time they lead to LGB people. In a small minority they lead to transgender people. In an even smaller minority, they can lead to people born with XY chromosomes but no response to testosterone and hence externally female and similar conditions in chromosomal females. All of these things are simply related and have been shown to lead to differences in the brain in areas, in the cerebellum, known to be sexually dimorphic. Again, see references 1-6 below.
Let's look at what Chaya Raichick said on Tucker and then a good response to it.
Now by a fellow Libsoftiktok blockee. Yeah, I am one transgender person she felt the need to block either by one of those lists, or after realizing I cannot be humiliated or denigrated by a creature like her.* Either way it’s an honor to be such an intellectual threat. Hassan Piker aka Hassanabi
My Response, My Sermon
Yes, it is odd that she is so obsessed with a reporter who did what now? Taylor Lorenz simply reported out what Chaya Raichick aka LibsOfTikTok ‘s name is. As she herself would say, posting public information is not doxxing. There is nothing that can be said about me that hasn’t been said before and couldn’t be debunked in about 5 seconds by reading farther down my google results. (*She has the brains to realize that much it seems. )
Yes, it is a strange choice of words to find LGBT imagery and things “captivating” so captivating that her whole personality is posting and reposting videos of MTF trans women online. Perhaps Chaya is worried that the MTF trans mating strategy could somehow work on her? Perhaps she is attracted, in some degree to the feminine in action but masculine, in strategic places, of body. Then she blames the transgender people and LGBT more broadly for being “captivating” to her.
Her conservative faith has told her that such thoughts are wicked and such people are wicked just for existing and wearing certain clothes. I call on those who claim to practice the faiths of Abraham to consider the words of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him. Sunan Abu Dawud Book 41 number 4910
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
Am mukhannath (sometimes translated as effeminate man, “hermaphrodite”, or transwoman) who had dyed his hands and feet with henna was brought to the Prophet (ﷺ). He asked: What is the matter with this man? He was told: "Messenger of Allah! He imitates the look of women." So he issued an order regarding him and he was banished to an-Naqi'. The people said: Messenger of Allah! Should we not kill him? He said: I have been prohibited from killing people who pray. AbuUsamah said: Naqi' is a region near Medina and not a Baqi' (not a cemetery so not killed or made to live in an undesirable place. Sent out of town for safety.)
I guess in the book of so-called conservatives of the 21st century the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was “liberal”.
A humble believing mind needs to also believe in all the variations and possibilities seen in nature. To a humble believing mind, we are part of the same creation that contains brids in which the male that is most colorful reproduces more. Birds were a male that is drab like a female and mates with males, and also sometimes females exist. Bees and ants who are all female but for males that they use only for mating. In such a world, variation among people in terms of their nature are just signs of Gods invincible will and it is not your place to judge who is good, and who is evil. I end the sermon with the traditional greeting As Sallam alaikum.
Evolution and our closest relatives
As a scientist, however, I believe in evolution. The animal most genetically similar to us on this Earth is the Bonnobo. Across their whole range, and across their cultures, they engage in group sex as a way of saying, hello, goodbye, and settling arguments. They are all functionally bisexual for this purpose yet have clear preferences. Human beings are not like that. 7 We are very similar however. For proof look at the societies we live in. Even in societies where LGBT people are not accepted the fact there are rules against it is proof it is a universal human condition.
NOTE for LGBT readers. You see I refer to gender as a mating strategy. There is a huge cannon of literature that backs up that point of view. In simple terms evolution relies on natural variations which have the goal of reproduction. Not really individual reproduction but that of the group and species as a whole. SO if you are or know of a largely gay or lesbian person who has had experience with the opposite sex, or even has children, that's why. Even if it was by invitro you still had to select or be selected as fit for purpose. Don't be as dogmatic as Chaya Raichick, don't act like a cult requiring faithful recitation of liturgy at variance to ALL available science. She ignores science beyond jr High biology, and evidence which is inconvenient. Not doing that is what makes us better people not having better dogma.
Rosa Fernández, Antonio Guillamon, Joselyn Cortés-Cortés, Esther Gómez-Gil, Amalia Jácome, Isabel Esteva, MariCruz Almaraz, Mireia Mora, Gloria Aranda, Eduardo Pásaro. Molecular basis of Gender Dysphoria: androgen and estrogen receptor interaction. Psychoneuroendocrinology 98, 161-167 (2018). Link
J. Graham Theisen, Viji Sundaram, Mary S. Filchak, Lynn P. Chorich, Megan E. Sullivan, James Knight, Hyung-Goo Kim, Lawrence C. Layman. The Use of Whole Exome Sequencing in a Cohort of Transgender Individuals to Identify Rare Genetic Variants. Nature Scientific Reports 9, 20099 (2019). Link
Ferdinand J. O. Boucher, Tudor I. Chinnah. Gender Dysphoria: A Review Investigating the Relationship Between Genetic Influences and Brain Development. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics Volume 11, 89-99 (2020). Link
Hadar Amir, Liat Perl, Shimi Barda, Daniel Lantsberg, Anat Segev Becker, Galit Israeli, Foad Azem, Asaf Oren. Adolescent Transgender Females Present Impaired Semen Quality That Is Suitable for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Even Before Initiating Gender-Affirming Hormone Treatment. Reproductive Sciences 29, 260-269 (2022). Link
Settimio D’Andrea, Francesco Pallotti, Giulia Senofonte, Chiara Castellini, Donatella Paoli, Francesco Lombardo, Andrea Lenzi, Sandro Francavilla, Felice Francavilla, Arcangelo Barbonetti. Polymorphic Cytosine-Adenine-Guanine Repeat Length of Androgen Receptor Gene and Gender Incongruence in Trans Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Case-Control Studies. The Journal Of Sexual Medicine 17, 543-550 (2020). Link
The Endocrine Society. Transgender Health An Endocrine Society Position Statement. The Endocrine Society (2020). Link
- Wrangham RW. The evolution of sexuality in chimpanzees and bonobos. Hum Nat. 1993 Mar;4(1):47-79. doi: Link. PMID: 24214293.