When Salt Is An Endocrine Disruptor, The Term Is Officially Meaningless

A new environmental claim about endocrine disruptors would seem to be an early Christmas gift for...

Rant: Enough Damn Awareness Days Already!

Dear Awareness People:Shut the F......... (1) I'm begging you.I already have more than enough to...

Old Man Balls: Fact Or Fiction?

Disclaimer: If you read this, don't blame me for whatever psychological damage that will inevitably...

European Endocrine Disruptor Study Is Lightweight Of Evidence

So, if you take literally what Patricia Hunt, Ph.D. and colleagues reported in the new...

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Josh Bloom, Ph.D. Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Ph.D. at the American Council on Science and Health, New York. He earned a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Virginia, and... Read More »

In 1985 Michael Hovey, an organic chemist at duPont in Wilmington, Delaware cooked up in his lab a batch of 3-methylfentanyl—a narcotic that is more than 6,000-times stronger than morphinethus ushering in the era of designer drugs. 
Hovey's drug, which belongs to a class of drugs called "synthetic heroins," had a street value of $112 million. 

A man goes into a butcher shop to buy some steak.

Man: "How much is your steak?"
Butcher: "$4.99 a pound."
Man:       "That's ridiculous! The butcher across town sells steak for $3.99 a pound!"
Butcher: "Then buy it from him."
Man:       "I tried, but he's all out."
Butcher:  "Well, when I'm out, I'll sell it for $1.99 per pound!"

Pretty good joke, but even better when it's applied to what's going on now with generic drug prices. That is, assuming you can figure it out.

But, one thing is clear: They are going up, and really fast.

It has been almost a century since scientists at Eli Lilly figured out how to make large quantities of pure insulin. This historical discovery made it possible for the first time to save the lives of diabetics (mostly children). But now, we are witnessing another breakthrough.

Although perhaps not as dramatic as the development of insulin, for the first time a hypoglycemic drug has been found to increase life expectancy.

The FDA, following the advice of their advisory panel, voted yesterday to approve Addyi, aka "Female Viagra," or "Pink Viagra." Good move? Bad? Keep reading...

So, I get in a pissy mood once in a while. Before you judge, you try taking the Times Square-Grand Central Station shuttle every day. See what kind of mood you end up in:

Then I read something so infuriatingly stupid in the Huffington Post — which is of questionable value even on a good day — that my already-sour disposition headed even further south.

At the risk of missing out on a life experience, I Doubt I'll be trying this stuff anytime soon: