Science Education & Policy

Critical Race Theory And Anti Racism Are Not Racist Against Asians Or Anyone Else. The Model Minority Myth Does Not Disprove CRT.

A  new angle of attack on the teaching of so-called critical race theory is that it is racist against Asians because some writings on it say that they are “White Adjacent.” Since CRT is supposedly racist against White people it is then therefore also raci ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Jul 19 2021 - 8:11am

Conservatives' Understanding Of Climate Science Is More In Line With Climate Scientists Than Liberals'

Americans are inherently skeptical, and American adults lead the world in science literacy, so those two things combine to show up in debates about climate change and other sciences.   When you are literate and skeptical it is easy to know just enough to b ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jul 25 2021 - 1:11pm

Jocelyn Bell Discoverer Of Pulsars, Sexism and the Nobel Prize, And Disproof Of A Strong Anti CRT Argument.

J ocelyn Bell discovered pulsars work for which her PhD advisor, and the head of the Cambridge astronomy group won the Nobel Prize.  They could’ve awarded it to three people.  She did NOT need to be left out of it to recognize those two men.  The issue is ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Jul 31 2021 - 10:57am

EPA Scales Back Its Flawed Ethanol Mandate

Throughout the 1990s, environmentalists insisted that ethanol was the wave of our energy future. Vice-President Al Gore even famously broke a tie in the Senate to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to push its use. ...

Blog Post - Hank Campbell - Aug 20 2021 - 2:20pm

Gallop: Both Republicans And Democrats Are Wildly Overstating Risks From COVID-19

There is no question that COVID-19 is the worst pandemic of my lifetime. It has led to greater absolute US deaths than the Asian Flu of 1957 and the Spanish Flu of 1918, though obviously we are 2X and 3X the population, respectively, of those pandemics so ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Oct 1 2021 - 10:25am

Transgender Bathroom Rape Cover Up Or Juvenile Confidentiality in Loudon County. The Kandahar of America's Culture War.

A ccording to the conspiracy theory all the authorities from Loudon County school the prosecutor and the police are so pro transgender that they would cover up a rape. Let me point out a few things that are inconsistent with this. Bear in mind I am not sa ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Oct 14 2021 - 12:28pm

Critical Race Theory Can Be Misused, Like Anything Else In Science.

C ritical Race Theory like so much science, even social science, can be used for good or evil. Physics invented the atomic bomb which can destroy the world. Physics invented the nuclear power plant which can generate carbon free energy and help to save th ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Dec 1 2021 - 10:25am

CDC Boondoggle: First Career Bureaucrats Didn't Want To Send Coronavirus Tests, Then They Sent Faulty Ones

It is common in a polarized political climate to try and blame the other political party when missteps happen but most government employees are not political appointees, they are career bureaucrats, and sometimes care more about protecting their fiefdoms t ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Dec 17 2021 - 2:13pm

Supreme Court Finds Biden Can Mandate Vaccines For Federally Funded Hospitals But Not All Businesses

The Supreme Court dealt another blow to federal overreach by the Biden administration but then rightly upheld vaccine mandates if an organization is federally funded. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, nearly all hospitals are federally funded. ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jan 13 2022 - 5:03pm

Illinois Mask Mandate In Colleges

An  Illinois judge has overruled Governor JB Pritzker's mask mandate at least in the case of students who are party to the lawsuit.  It was denied being a class action and even admits that the collective bargaining agreements between teachers unions ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Feb 8 2022 - 4:02pm