How much does science cost-- and how much does it cost to turn science off? I know science can be done cheaply. After all, you're listening to a guy who is building a satellite in his basement, for fun. Yet while the satellite is paid for, even I'm hitting costs for the science part-- the ability to do something useful with the hardware once it's up. In fact (shameless plug time) I've launched a Kickstarter fund drive where you can
get cool Project Calliope space memorabilia for the next month only-- visit it! Pass this link around through facebook, twitter, your network of choice:
Scientists are often portrayed as serious yet quirky, but many hide a prankish interior. Here's a butcher's dozen of famous pranks by -- or at-- scientists.
The best lecture never heard.
Which science kills the most people each year? Prompted by a quote-- "guns don't kill people-- physics kills people." ('3rd Rock from the Sun') -- it's time we look at which science really is the deadliest.
So let's set up the big three: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In a Hollywood movieland world, Physics would be the clear winner on early deaths. Car crashes, gunshot wounds, bicycle accidents, falling down, people hitting each other, and that biggie called 'war' are all physics-driven deaths.
Dr. Paynter of the MD Dept of Ed noted that "all students have gifts, but there are some students who are ready, right now, to play varsity." In America, we easily accept that some kids are just more athletic than others, and we support that. In fact, we're pretty happy accepting that some kids are just naturals at art, math, acting, being charismatic, being beautiful, or doing sports.
But suggest some kids are more gifted at learning, and you get the retort "but all children are gifted." Ask for better learners to get special teaching and now, you're elitist.
I went to an old link to the Kids Science Zone ("Awesome Science for Kids"), It said "Nothing found!" Oh, wait, the top-level structure had changed, so I clicked on the "Space" link:, empty., empty. In fact, all the top-level sections were empty, even when their sublevels were populated.
Which leads to the idea that we could simply add tumbleweeds, and make it like a ghost town. Intentionally, I mean, not as it is now.
Ran into this ironic juxtaposition of 2 webcomics, released at nearly the same time. Which to share? They negate each other.