Evolutionary psychologists have one explanation while other psychologists have a different one while most of culture has an explanation different than both. Porn stars have low self-esteem, it is said, yet it turns out most of them have great self-esteem compared to the public, And outside the people selling treatment and trying to get in DSM 5 so they can get insurance money, sex addiction is considered made up and porn addiction even more so yet it is hard to be sure why one addiction is considered made-up while others, like Internet addiction, are thought to be real.
There is concern that with the rise of the Internet, and the availability of pornography, lots of less-exaggerated problems have arisen and one of the concerns is that, even if there is no addiction, porn makes people more likely to be risky about sex in real life, the same way it is believed that first person shooter games may make people more likely to be a first person shooter or Madden 2015 might make kids more likely to run over linebackers the way Marshawn Lynch does.

Do these women make you more likely to consider unsafe sexual behavior? They get tested for STDs quite a lot, actually, and they are pros so don't get more than your hopes up. Alektra Blue, Kirsten Price, Candy Manson and Nicki Hunter at Crazy Horse III's 'Pornstar Takeover' in Las Vegas. Photo: Joel Ginsburg/WENN.com. Link: Toronto Sun
Writing in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, E.L. Harkness, B.M. Mullan, and A. Blaszczynski, University of Sydney and Curtin University, Australia, report an association between pornography use and indicators of increased sexual risk such as unsafe safe practices and more sexual partners, with similar findings for Internet pornography and unspecific pornography sources.
If so, it has been an ongoing issue. Porn has been found from 3,000 years ago.
They discuss the potential value of including "porn literacy" information in sexual health education and prevention strategies, or targeting certain pornography users for sexual health interventions.
"This review has uncovered a need for methodological improvements in this area of research," says Editor-in-Chief Brenda K. Wiederhold, PhD, MBA, BCB, BCN, Interactive Media Institute, San Diego, California and Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Brussels, Belgium. "Many findings in the studies, for example, may not be generalizable since they are done on college students."
Harkness Emily L., Mullan Barbara M., and Blaszczynski Alex, Association Between Pornography Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors in Adult Consumers: A Systematic Review, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking January 14, 2015 doi:10..1089/cyber.2014.0343