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Adam Retchless
Gee whiz!
About Adam I get paid to study microbial evolution. These writings are for my non-scientist friends and family (hi guys!) and anyone else who sees any value in them. The content will mainly be pointers to things that make me say "Oh, neat!". Aside from that I want to provide some insight into how science is done, what is being studied, and why non-scientists should care. I'm also here to answer questions about science--even if it isn't my field, I think I probably have a better idea of how to find the answer than a non-scientist would. I write because science is about communicating. Our research is only valuable once it is communicated to others for their own use. Usually, the lines of communication go through other researches and then through our students. Outside of the University, reporters are traditionally the public's connection to science, but they simply don't have enough resources to do justice to the public's diverse interests in science. So here I am. P.S. I won't discuss my own field of research much: my own work is too specialized to be of interest to non-scientists, and I'm not accomplished enough to be presenting myself as a real authority on the broader issues of the field.
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