Perhaps only contemporary philosopher who has published unique and controversial, cutting edge contributions in all the for philosophy most relevant sciences in the respective fields' peer reviewed scientific journals, including on general relativity and on fundamental quantum theory (as relevant for ontology and epistemology and the philosophy of mind and probability), as well as nano- and information technology (relevant to social macro evolution).
As of 2018, ~ 70 scientific articles (> 50 SCI indexed, > 30 first/corresponding author), 3 book chapters, 2 invited reviews, h-factor > 20 in spite of suppression of his work due to its critical whistle blowing character.
Postdoctoral positions: USC Psychology Dept., Neuroscience of visual system.
Nanjing University (NJU) Physics Dept., Nanotechnology and Cosmology.
NJU Philosophy Dept., Philosophy of Science and Modern Physics.
Present Official NJU Affiliations:
College of Modern Engineering and Applied Sciences
Philosophy Dept., Phil of Science Group
Other Affiliations:
Editorial board of ISRN journal Nanotechnology www.isrn.com/45761798/.
Scientific advisory board Lifeboat Foundation http://lifeboat.com/ex/bios.sascha.vongehr
More Profiles on LinkedIn, Inst. Ethics Emergent Tech.(out of date), Academia(slightly out of date),
On ISRN profile
Some arXiv papers
Fewer but different arXiv papers
More and different arXiv papers
More peer reviewed papers via sciencedirect
Google scholar finds many of my papers
Vongehr's Science2.0 Articles Topic by Topic
Currently Active Research: Nanotechnology (statistics, catalysis, critical evaluation), Quantum Statistics and Foundations, Philosophy of Mind, Relational Resolutions, "further facts" quantum mechanics via "description relativity" (Postmodern Physics)
Some Accomplishments in Science Outreach and Pseudoscience Whistle-Blowing:
- Exposition of the Memristor Fraud [Nature Publishing Group (2015)].
- Originator of Quantum Randi Challenge, which helped to expose fraudulent science [Annals of Physics 339 (2013) pp 81-88; and: arXiv:1207.5294 (2012)].
- Repeated construction of advanced statistical methods to remove large errors in nanotechnology [Chem. C 116, 18533-18537 (2012) and citations therein].
- Design of first touchable Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-setup model that strongly violates the Bell-inequality (widely thought impossible), disproving 'actualization' of single futures, world's first interactive science outreach exhibit on quantum mechanics that does not misrepresent the involved science [arxiv.org/abs/1311.5419 (2013)]
Some More Research Accomplishments:
- Prediction and subsequent discovery/construction of black holes in quantum two-time theory, first flat embedding of the BTZ black hole [arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/9907077, plagiarized in Phys. Lett. B 578, 187–194 (2004)]
- Previously thought impossible attachment of alkali clusters in surface of ultracold superfluid Helium nano-droplets [Chem. Phys. Lett. 353, 89-94 (2002)]
- Originator of Einstein Expansion Paradox (EEP) (space expands globally while nowhere locally expanding). [arxiv.org/abs/0912.3069]
- Resolution of EEP via infinite Lindquist-Wheeler lattice of Einstein-Straus vacuoles proving consistency of global metric expansion with local space reproduction descriptions (Einstein-local microcausal dynamics in quantum field theory) in an inhomogeneous cosmos. [Comm Theo Phys 54 (3) 477-483 (2010)]
- Independent resolution of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox via many-worlds models that pedagogically teach how modal relativity breaks 'naive realism' [arxiv.org/abs/1108.1674 (2011)]
- Originator of Suicidal Philosophy as conclusion of the philosophy of suicide, including Global Suicide scenario due to recursive rationality (rational utility bridges is-ought divide) as endpoint to otherwise substrate independent (algorithmic) evolution, thus fundamental solution of the Fermi paradox [ Book Chapter (2013)]
- Originator of Description Relativist Metaphysics that derived relativistic-quantum theory with correct empirical Bell violation from metaphysics without empirical input [FQXi Essay]