Don't like Paul Ryan?  You're not alone.  When he was an outsider, Democrats gushed over how rational and amazing he was but now that he is a Republican Vice-Presidential contender, all they can talk about is how poorly he dresses

His critics are in luck, they now have a fantasy even more fantastical than the plots of "The West Wing" - the chance to pick their own V.P. that can lose in November.  Casual games company Games2win has created the 'Romney VEEP Dating' Game to help players make their own choice by "speed dating" a short list of candidates and giving power to the people to decide Mitt Romney's VP, says Justin Molyneaux, Executive Games Producer of Games2win USA. 

It's not complicated, just ask a few questions and you'll duplicate how Romney arrived at his Vice Presidential choice.  So if you are worried that Obama can't outspend his opponent 2:1 like he did in 2008, even the odds back to uneven by sticking Romney with Tim Pawlenty or Herman Cain or even Sarah Palin, who looks positively sane one heartbeat away from the Oval Office compared to Joe Biden.

Credit: Games2win