This Week's Topic:

April Fool's Day

Stories so ridiculous, they could probably be true, in a sort of 'the universe has been drinking again' kind of way, but just out of phase enough to show they are not.
LHC Unveils New Hugs Boson - Embraces Supersymmetry With It

Supersymmetry proponents, who have been inconsolable since the MERCURY and DVDMS experiments of...

DDT Rebranded As Personalized Medicine For Insects

A new class of dopamine receptor antagonists (DARs) could provide a safer means of controlling...

The Arts And Crafts Of Dark Matter

With over 40 years using and manipulating gravity for my small arts and crafts business I have...

FMRI Study Finds That Mindfulness More Effective Than Scientology At Clearing Thetans

BeSlyfMRI Brain Training program, created by Dr. B. Raneded out of California State University...

Super Collider Finds Evidence We Are Not Alone In The Universe

The Anti-Proton Collider experiment of the New Jersey Super Collider (NJSC) announced today that...

Kardashian Lumbar Curvature Index - An Evolutionary Hypothesis

There are sometimes complaints that modern men only prefer one certain female body type, but we...

Seals Happy About Global Warming Sea Ice Loss

Though the developed world is concerned about greenhouse gas emissions implicated in climate change...

A Foolproof Social Skills Hack

In my role as lead investigator at the Science of People laboratory complex, people often ask me...

BPA Will Kill The World Homeopathically

It is rare enough to have one accepted scientific paradigm turned on its head, but last week we...

The Dark Criminal Underbelly Of Kindergarten Revealed

A new paper has found that criminal masterminds have been engaging in creating future henchmen...

Scientific Research Helps Create First Ice Casino Blueprints

A recent study undertaken by the Institute of Polar Science has backed plans by Gala Casino to...

My All-Time Favorite April Fool's Day Gag

My wife and I were in an airport newsstand. I was looking through the magazines to find something...

Cephalopod April Fools' Roundup

As a gullible sucker myself, I appreciate the cultural tradition of having one day out of the year...

Right Under Our Eyes: Nibiru On Its Way?

Ridicule might delay truth but it can't replace it. In recent weeks astonishing rumors have been...

Unmistakable Gluino Signal In ATLAS !!

And after all I said about Supersymmetry being an invention, I fear I now have to eat it all with...

Tanning With Squid Ink

Manchester Confidental postedd a rather creative April Fool's Day article called Squid ink is the...

Farewell - I Quit Blogging

This is my last post of my blog.I have decided to totally quit my blogging activities after the...

The Science Cyclops Answers To No One

Hi, I’m the Science Cyclops. I was created from molecules of caffeine and genetically engineered...

Announcing The Scientific Blogging Dating Service

We're always looking for new ways to add value to the science community.   Sure, other sites...