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News Of The Demise Of The Standard Model Were Exaggerated

Each man kills the thing he loves, sang Jeanne Moreau in a beautiful song some thirty years ago...

Some Additional Tests Of The RadiaCode

In the previous post I have described some of the main functionalities of the RadiaCode 103 radiation...

Your Portable Radiation Spectrometer - The Wondrous Radiacode 103

A few days ago I put my hands on a RadiaCode 103, a pocket radiation counter, dosimeter, and spectrometer...

Exchange Sac In Blitz

Time and again, I play a "good" blitz chess game. In blitz chess you have 5 minutes thinking for...

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Tommaso DorigoRSS Feed of this column.

Tommaso Dorigo is an experimental particle physicist, who works for the INFN at the University of Padova, and collaborates with the CMS and the SWGO experiments. He is the president of the Read More »

The title of this post is not of my making - it is something you may read in a list of recent ATLAS results, in one of the otherwise dry and business-like web pages of the experiment:

Don't get me wrong, I am all for a bit of personality in such web outlets, so the above rather than criticism should be seen as an exhortation to my CMS colleagues (as CMS the experiment I am a member of) to mimic its competitor. I look forward to a listing of "CMS wondrous new results on Higgs physics", e.g. ...
That's the title of a short article I just published (it is online here, but beware - for now you need to access from an institution that can access the journal contents), on Nuclear Instruments and Methods - a renowned journal for particle physics and nuclear physics instrumentation. The contents are nothing very new, in the sense that they are little more than a summary of things that the MODE collaboration published last March here. But for the distracted among you, I will summarize the summary below.

Humanity progresses thanks to the diffusion and sharing of human knowledge. In particular, scientific progress is brought forth by the sharing of ideas, measurements and experimental results among scientists, and the distribution of excellent education. We have grown very good at doing that, but can we improve the sharing of knowledge for the common good? 

The answer is certainly yes, as the interconnection of the scientific community and the interdisciplinarity of its efforts are hampered by borders, language barriers, cultural differences, political influences, religious hindrances, education system challenges, and also by different conventions, policies, metrics in the different areas of scientific research.
At about this time of the year I find myself teaching my students about the construction of V-A theory, which is a milestone in the construction of the Standard Model of particle physics. And in so doing I rejoice about having a chance to tell them the details of one of the most brilliant experiments of the twentieth century, one performed in 1957 by Maurice Goldhaber with his colleagues Grodzins and Sunjar, and which has become a cornerstone of the physics of weak interactions and of particle physics in general. 
The DeepLearn school series, now reaching the seventh edition, offers insight into artificial intelligence and applications in a week-long course, tightly packing a significant number of high-profile instructors. The present edition, currently being held at the Technical University of Lulea, in the north of Sweden, features the following:

- Sean Benson, Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Thomas Breuel, Nvidia
- Hao Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Janlin Chen, University of Missouri
- Nadya Chernyavskaya, CERN
- Efstratios Gavves, University of Amsterdam
- Quanquan Gu, University of California Los Angeles
For some reasons, my personal web page features high in web searches for master thesis offers. I got to learn this by inquiring with a few students who asked me to supervise them remotely on some of the offered topics: where did they get to know about my research activities, and what led them to pick my offers? They all answered that they bumped into my web page section "thesis offers". Well, at least that was no wasted time when I wrote it.