
‘Arctic On Fire’ Is Normal, Part Of Nature- Moose, Bears, Voles, Foxes, Owls, Birds Of Prey All Depend On Wild Fires

Short summary- the Arctic is always on fire in summer, and it’s a natural part of the ecosystem, to the extent that moose, bears, bison, voles, foxes, owls, birds of prey, …, they are all dependent on the fires directly or indirectly. It would be a very d ...

Article - Robert Walker - Jul 31 2019 - 4:58pm

The EU Can Barely Feed Itself, And A New Report Wants It To Get Worse

As France has drifted away from agricultural progress, it has become more reliant on imported food. What was once Europe's greatest ag engine has become the sick old man of of the continent. A new paper says it needs to get even worse if the EU is goi ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 2 2019 - 8:41am

2019 Greenland Melt Not Likely To Beat 2012 Record- 0.5 Mm Sea Rise Ice Melt Is Dramatic, But Glacier Flow Is Long Term Issue

Short summary. The 0.5 mm sea level rise due to ice melting in July is dramatic but you need to compare it with the rest of the year. July is usually the top month for ice loss. In the winter the Greenland ice sheet gains ice through snowfall, so you need ...

Article - Robert Walker - Aug 5 2019 - 11:10am

Rising Seas- Ingenious Ways Netherlands, Florida And Bangladesh Can Adapt- Barriers And Sponges- And Floating Gardens:)

With the greenland ice melt in the news, what can we do to adapt to a rising sea level, and how much will it actually be? First, the melting this summer was nothing unexpected. Last year Greenland had so much snow in 2017–8 that it actually gained ice rat ...

Article - Robert Walker - Aug 7 2019 - 6:51pm

24 Ways The World Is Better- Famine Hugely Reduced- Literacy Soaring- Life Expectancy Up- Degraded Landscapes Restored

You can always find bad news if you look for it.With the internet and social media we learn about every bad thing that happens throughout the entire world almost instantly. However the good news doesn't get shared so much. For instance how many of yo ...

Article - Robert Walker - Aug 7 2019 - 4:49pm

Paper Does NOT Mean 88% Of All Large Freshwater Creatures Are Gone- Figure Emphasizes Impacts On Tiny Populations

These "Living Planet Index" population figures are potentially confusing if you don't know how to read them and they have lead to many mistaken media stories. It does not mean that there are 88% less total numbers of large animals in our ri ...

Article - Robert Walker - Aug 11 2019 - 5:03pm

Rising Water Stress Slowed Down RATE Of Increase In Greening- World Still Greening Fast

This is an interesting paper but it’s been misreported widely. Over the last decade the world has continued to get greener almost everywhere, because of the CO2 fertilization effect, lengthening growing seasons in northern latitudes and human initiatives ...

Article - Robert Walker - Aug 16 2019 - 2:29am

AmazonFACE Project Study: Rainforest Absorbs Less Carbon Than Previously Estimated

If you read English newspaper The Guardian, you will be convinced farming is killing us all. Instead of being the negative they persistently insist, food is a basic resource, we will literally die without it, and the modern world is creating more food at a ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 20 2019 - 9:35am

The Amazon Fire This And Next Time

Not so long ago it was thought that Amazonian forests and other tropical rainforest regions were completely immune to fires, thanks to the high moisture content of the undergrowth beneath the protection of the canopy tree cover. But the severe droughts of ...

Article - Carlos Peres - Aug 23 2019 - 1:00pm

With Such Fierce Fires, Why Doesn't Entire Rainforest Burn Down? Answers For Scared People- And Positive Developments In Brazil

This is something puzzles and scares some people. Why is most of the Amazon jungle still untouched by fire? Isn't there a risk that the Brazilian wildfires sweep across the entire Amazon and destroy all the remaining tropical forest? However, we get ...

Article - Robert Walker - Aug 30 2019 - 6:08pm