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The number of birds in North America has declined by 3 billion, according to one group's estimate, and New York Times is sounding the alarm over it, like they sound the alarm over everything.

But this was written by Carl Zimmer, who's not usually prone to hyperbole, so it's surprising to see him taking an estimate based on amateur logs as fact, and then quoting Rachel Carson, author of the activist Bible called "Silent Spring."  (1)
There is a saying in military units across the world that no Frenchman ever won a war, and that is technically true. But a French woman once did. Joan of Arc stopped the English when they were about to win the Hundred Years’ War. 

Though she became a Catholic Saint, she was first branded as a heretic by Henry VI, who didn't like that his army was bested by La Pucelle, a teenage girl.(1)

Yet that sexism was not always the case. Nearly 1,400 years earlier  tribes were often ruled by warrior queens. And not in a "Game of Thrones" way, where women simply survived and become stronger after being abused or taught by men, but in their own right, as equals.
When the political debate about abortion was the rage there was concern by some that it was modern day eugenics. Federal abortions would overwhelmingly impact minorities, they said, while others argued that abortions controlled by states meant only wealthy people got them.
The U.S. will have more than 720,000 tons of blade material to dispose of over the next 20 years, and that's without newer, taller versions that might crap out sooner than claims say they will.  

The reason is that are are few ways to recycle turbine blades, and what options do exist are expensive because all of the government subsidies go to prop up companies building these essentially useless things, not toward re-purposing the junk they leave behind.  
A few years ago, the Obama administration disclosed what must have been painful - the Russians were using donor-advised funds to send "dark money" donations to American environmental groups who were being "useful idiots" for them - the term Communists use for western liberals von Mises described in 1947 as "confused and misguided sympathizers."
Once a year I go to San Francisco. I used to go a lot more, every place I've lived I've had season tickets to baseball games, I still have my hat and pin and ticket/lanyard from the 2002 World Series, but once I moved inland it was hard to go to games because of traffic so now it is just annual. And in the last decade the city really declined due to a resurgence of vagrants and addicts that hadn't been a problem since the early 1990s.
On Slate, Rich Juzwiak recounts a situation where a man with a persistent depressive disorder who had sex with a transgender guy said the transgender man worried about sexual transference of gut microbes and transmittal of depression thereof.

Well, it's on YouTube and that has authority to a lot of people, and it involves gut microbes and claims of studies in mice, both of which are so abused by (a) unethical researchers and (b) hucksters selling fancy supplements it's hard for the public to know what to trust.
For years, California has been able to act in defiance of federal standards because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has given them a waiver to do so. Today, EPA revoked that waiver, signaling that California will no longer be able to unilaterally intimidate companies into creating special standards that are not warranted by evidence.
"Numerous studies have indisputably demonstrated that particulate inhalation results in health problems far beyond the lungs," write the authors of an article in Nature Communications saying they can detect small micron particulate matter in a few placentae and therefore, what, that birth defects are probably happening?
In France, 30 percent of organic food was recently found to be nothing of the kind.

Consumers did not know, it was surprise spot inspections that busted the farmers, which tells you two things: (1) There is no difference in the food quality, it is an intellectual placebo for wealthier people and; (2) the problem is probably much worse in the U.S., since we don't have surprise inspections at all, instead we turn over organic "certification" to 80 private organizations that rely on selling organic stickers for their livelihood. 
The weather has always been political, writes Jeva Lange in The Week. The ability to anticipate and react to weather-related events separate leaders from has-beens.

But only very recently has the uncertainty of weather prediction also started to be exploited for political gain. And both sides do it. Warmer than 1980? Blame climate change. Fewer hurricanes? Blame climate change. And opponents of climate science engage in the same cherry-picking.
My teenage son believes I am reasonably astute for an old guy. My kids can recall that when Minecraft was released I downloaded it because I wanted to show them how elegant code works.(1) I paid for Fortnite before it was available for free, and then when they introduced a Battle Royale mode I wondered if PlayerUnknown's Battleground was going to be harmed by this new competition or, as often happens, they create bigger markets.(2)

So maybe it was only a matter of time before the grand-daddy of turn based civilization games, Sid Meier's Civilization, jumped into Battle Royale with the free Red Death update.
On December 21st of 2018, President Trump signed the First Step Act of 2018, which made significant changes to drug sentencing laws.

Now Michigan is going to replace drug dealers in prisons with minors who have flavored vaping products. Under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's recent executive order, anyone found with four or more flavored vaping products is “presumed to possess said items with the intent to sell”, punishable by imprisonment of six months and a fine per item. 
Just five short years ago, there was no real market leader in e-cigarettes, it was a grassroots solution for smokers who wanted harm reduction and smoking cessation and didn't like Big Pharma. Patches and gums certainly did not work very well and the wisdom of crowds invented something better. It was a tiny fraction of the tobacco market, but growing to where FDA wanted to regulate it.
In 2010, physicists reported an exceptionally precise measurement of the size of the proton, the positively charged building block of atomic nuclei, using special hydrogen atoms in which the electron that normally orbits the proton was replaced by a muon, a particle that’s identical to the electron but 207 times heavier.

They found the muon-orbited protons to be 0.84 femtometers in radius — 4% smaller than those in regular hydrogen, according to the average of more than two dozen earlier measurements. Which would mean protons really shrink in the presence of muons due to unknown physical interactions between protons and muons.

Hundreds of papers speculated about the possibilities.
Skeletons found in a Modena necropolis that dates back to between the 4th and 6th centuries A.D. were assumed to be male and female but they are both male, an analysis reveals.

The "Lovers of Modena,” as they came to be called, got their sex reveal thanks to tooth enamel - a protein that is present only in the tooth enamel of males.
On this date in 1939 Marvel Comics #1 was on newsstands, featuring Human Torch and Namor the Sub-Mariner (he was Aquaman before Aquaman.) 

So why does the cover say October? Comic books did what magazines did (and do), and instead of a publication date they put a pull-date on the cover, which would be the date the issue was to be removed and returned to make way for the new issue on newsstands. There was no direct sales then, like dedicated comic book stores are now, you went to the rack in a store or on the street and purchased them. So on that Tuesday in 1939 while Germany was about to wrap up its takeover of Poland, and the USSR was about to take its cut, this comic appeared.
Baum Hedlund Aristei Goldman PC, which collaborates with organic company trade groups like U.S. Right To Know and hand-puppets they control, such as the so-called "Industry Docs" industry fifth columnists embedded inside U.C. San Francisco, exists to make money. They are lawyers, after all.
I recently watched the History Channel show "Alone" and for all but one season(1) it is just what it sounds like. They take 10 people and throw them into a difficult situation where they have to survive alone.
While a vegan diet is fine for adults, in children it is a human rights violation - and it can send parents to jail.

John P. and Katrina Miller of of Crestline, Ohio, have been indicted on one count of kidnapping, a first degree felony; one count of felonious assault, a second-degree felony; two felony counts of child endangerment, one second-degree, one third-degree; and a first-degree misdemeanor count of child endangerment. They face up tp 22 yeards prison.