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Four new elements that have been added to the periodic table, completing its seventh row, according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

Now comes the fun part - picking names for them. Hopefully, they will look beyond naming them after Johnny Depp or a Keith Richards. In the meantime, they are being called ununtrium, (Uut or element 113), ununpentium (Uup, element 115), ununseptium (Uus, element 117), and ununoctium (Uuo, element 118).

It's not even trivial to identify them as elements. 
Antibiotic resistance is a concern worldwide - scientists and public health officials are finally beginning to agree about the use of low dose antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock feed: It needs to stop immediately. 

No more evidence is needed than recent, troubling reports about the appearance of a new gene in both pigs and humans in China.
E-cigarettes, increasingly popular nicotine delivery systems, have been touted as a safe alternative to conventional cigarettes and a smoking cessation tool, but now that they have become popular (more teens are using them than cigarettes, writes the American Council on Science and Health), they have become a polarizing subject, with studies in favor of — or against — the products.
Chipotle, which has promised to remove GMOs (from soybean oil anyway - the meat, cheese and soda remained evidence-based) and claimed it was going to be more ethical than anyone else by only sourcing local ingredients and produce now has a much bigger problem on its hands - its stores are a ghost town because they have caused not different types of foodborne illnesses in different parts of the country.
There once was a time when the use of thin models was deemed as promoting an unrealistic body image for women - odd at a time when obesity was rising and there were fewer and fewer thin women to blame.

Now "plus-size" models are taking some heat for promoting poor health choices and obesity. A paper in the Journal of Public Policy&Marketing says advertising campaigns that lean towards using ‘plus-size’ models are having a “detrimental” effect on the public’s lifestyle and eating behavior because they claim being fat is ‘real’ and ‘normal’ . 
The Obama administration really wanted the Environmental Protection Agency's legally suspect Waters of the United States rule (the fuzzy-wuzzy named Clean Water Rule) to get a groundswell of public approval - so they used government employees and taxpayer money to blitz social media endorsing it.

That's called lobbying, and it is illegal for the government to lobby for the rule it bypassed lawmakers to enact. Not only did they break the law, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found, they engaged in “covert propaganda” because they did not disclose that the messages they were promoting across social media were written and foisted off by the same group engaging in the unprecedented power grab over state and city government. 
The organic food process has been a miracle of clever marketing that will be taught in business schools for generations to come: They managed to convince the public to pay more for food using reasoning that mostly involved self-identification as being more ethical people and better parents if they did so.

Nothing special about that, except this is food; an organic tomato is no different than any other tomato. Both are grown using pesticides and fertilizers, both have been genetically modified for thousands of years.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's $300 million Akatsuki ("Dawn") probe fired its small attitude-control thrusters for 20 minutes Sunday evening at 6:51 p.m. EST in a second (and final) attempt to enter Venus orbit. 

The first attempt was exactly five years ago, on Dec. 6, 2010, but it failed when the probe's main engine conked out during the orbit-insertion burn, sending the spacecraft sailing off into deep space.

However, this time they had a win. Let's do some science!

Image: Akihiro Ikeshita/JAXA
Sugar is sugar, to scientists. But Big Sugar, which promoted the notion that its bleached white product was somehow superior to corn syrup, suddenly found itself fighting a second front, against nutritionists, food bloggers and outright crackpots like Joe Mercola and the lunatic that runs that Natural News site.
Want to be made to feel like you are a bad mother? Defend ordinary food among a crowd of people who buy organic. They self-identify as not only being more educated than ordinary shoppers, but more ethical people as well. Especially if it is for the children.

Why don't men get the same social and gender pressure as women? Men may be less easy to manipulate with the 'you are a bad parent' marketing techniques used by organic marketing groups and the pressure groups like SourceWatch and U.S. Right To Know that they fund.
In 1959, the public were told not to eat cranberries because they might contain a cancer-causing carcinogen.

Ha ha.

Today, we know everything is a cancer-causing carcinogen. Your 100 percent organic Thanksgiving dinner is stuffed full of carcinogens that cause cancer in rats, yet people will eat it anyway.
As Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders watches his Presidential hopes fade, supporters are rushing to defend him. Though he has never campaigned as a Democrat in his entire career, he expected Democrats to embrace him because he always caucused with them in Congress; instead, he is a Democrat-Socialist campaigning for the nomination in the same party as a guy who got a standing ovation for killing Osama Bin Laden and will leave office with America in three wars and who let the AquAdvantage salmon get approved. That is going to be a struggle for acceptance in mainstream America when they see a guy coming from a state that says GMOs must have warning labels and has actively campaigned against the very thing the sitting President is taking credit for improving - the economy.
On November 19th, the American Council on Science and Health met with officials from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the White House Office of Management and Budget, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs group to discuss sensible regulations related to the FDA's new authority over tobacco products like cigars, pipes and also tobacco substitutes like e-cigarettes, which are also deemed to be in the group though they are not tobacco (it's a nuanced point - there is no commercially viable way to create nicotine without tobacco.)
Greenpeace is again trying to stop the Philippines from using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to solve hunger and vitamin deficiency. The group believes, without evidence, that GMOs are “contaminating non ‘GE’ environments and future generations in an unforeseeable and uncontrollable way.”
Dr. Chensheng Lu of Harvard School of Public Health, a nutritionist-turned-bee-expert, says members of Congress are ingesting five neonicotinoid pesticides in the cafeteria.

That will get some action. After all, this is the same cafeteria so concerned about sustainability they replaced plastic spoons with corn-based ones that melted in soup and had to be sent to a special composter in emissions-belching trucks. Everyone hated them, they were terrifically expensive, and it took Republicans getting back control of the House of Representatives to undo that policy.
If shade-grown, fair-trade organic no longer gets coos of wishful self-identification from your friends in Malibu, here is a way re-establish your elite credentials: Dog food that is locally grown. 

Farm-to-table pet food is all the rage. If you want your dog's food to 'explode with flavor', it takes an executive chef to design the meals. If you are on a Paleo diet, your dog can even copy it, though your dog would probably prefer that anyway.
David Katz is solidly against the consensus of scientists when it comes to food. It's no surprise, he is a friend of Dr. Oz. Thus, it is also no surprise he really likes the latest book from Dr. Marion Nestle, which invokes a vast, corporate soda conspiracy, etc. et al. 

The problem is that it isn't really a serious work, though books like that never are. Like Dr. Oz, Nestle needs a fact checker, writing that the American Council on Science and Health “depends heavily on funding from corporations that have a financial stake in the scientific debate it aims to shape” and that Coca-Cola is a significant sponsor.
Are you more likely to buy produce if it's picked by hand? Do labels such as local and organic conjure up imagery of small-scale farmers keeping money in the community and sustainable living and no pesticides or fertilizer?

It's a myth created by organic trade groups. There is a reason you see few small-scale farms run by anyone over the age of 40. While young idealists may initially invest in them, the reality is there is no substitute for the hard work and it is a lousy retirement plan. Picked by hand? I have to tell you, as someone who actually grew up on a farm that was small scale and the non-technological Idyll created by organic trade groups, there is a reason I got a scholarship to go to college, and that reason was to stop picking things by hand
Remember when television was all white people and that was a bad thing? Now it's somewhat difficult to find that sort of 1950s family. White fathers are instead helpless goofs that need to be rescued by wives or kids.

And minorities would like a little less representation, at least in food ads. Hispanic and black youth are disproportionate viewers of ads promoting unhealthy savory and sweet snacks, according to a report published by UCONN Rudd Center for Food Policy&Obesity.
Former anti-science activist who became a GMO advocate Mark Lynas notes that two papers denying science are out at the same time - but their audience is diametrically opposed to each other.